Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Conversation 1


- Anything interesting in the newspaper today? (Good but can give a yes / no answer)
- Did you have a good weekend? (Good, but is a closed question, with a yes/no answer)
- Ah, reading the stars, hey. So what do you think about astrology?
- Hi. You having lunch?
- What are you eating? It smells delicious.

KEEPING A CONVERSATION GOING Open (vs closed) questions AND
- What are the headlines / top stories today? (Better question as responder must explain)
- What was your weekend like? (Good wh question: this requires an explanation and so keeps
the conversation going)
- So what movie did you see?
- What’s the book about that you’re reading?
- What did you think of … (the World Cup match last night)?
- What do you think about... (banning smoking)?
- What’s your opinion of… (the new citizenship rules)?
- How do you feel about…(exercising everyday)?

EXPRESSING AN OPINION (don’t forget to say WHY)
- I think / believe... (smoking should be banned in public places because…).
- I feel… (the new citizenship rules are unfair because...).
- I don’t think/ believe…(that ghosts exist as…).
- In my opinion…(money is important but it’s not the only important thing. For example, …).
- If you ask me… (all spectator sport is boring. It’s much better if…).

AGREEING (don’t forget to say WHY)
Yeah, I agree that/with you that…(school uniforms are a good idea, because…).
Yeah, I think so… (because movies are so violent these days).
That’s right… (people should be free to live the way they choose).

DISAGREEING (don’t forget to say WHY)
- I disagree... (that school uniforms are a good idea. Clothes are a way of expressing identity).
- I don’t agree... (with banning smoking because…).
- I totally disagree…(that you shouldn’t be fines for littering because…)
- No offence but… (it just doesn’t make sense to me).

ENDING A CONVERSATION Say you’re going and say why.
- Ok, well, I guess I’d better go, I’ve got a meeting in ten minutes.
- Better go, I have to cook dinner.
- I suppose I’d better be off. I want to get to the shops before they close.
- Look at the time! I’ve got a dental appointment at 3pm.
- I’d better run, I have to pick up the kids.

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